Lucky 13's helps to prevent skin cancer with IMPACT Melanoma

Awareness Nationwide

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. Like other cancers, melanomas start when a particular cell or group of cells in your body begins to grow in an uncontrolled and dangerous way so they can invade surrounding tissues and potentially spread to other parts of the body.

Why it is important:

- Tattoos can attract the sun more, causing accelerated damage
- Ink can conceal early signs of melanoma, Impact Melanoma is teaching you how to see these signs!
- Similar to your hairdresser seeing the top of your head, your tattoo artist sees your skin at a different angle and way than you do. Impact Melanoma is training artists to detect melanoma while in session with their clients.

Community Outreach

Impact Melanoma provides skin cancer education programs nationwide at health fairs in your community, schools, local events and more. Our UV facial scanners show you the effects of sun damage.